Saturday, August 4, 2012

I Wish I Could Still........

As I get older I miss being able to do what I took for granted in my youth.  Not a day goes by without my missing out on some of the simpler things, such as:

·         Being able to bite my toenails. Not that I ever did….I just wish I was able to do so if the urge was there. Today I have to wait for a ‘good’ day just to touch them and that’s when I am sitting down.
·         Hopping on my unicycle and just riding for miles. The little kids just loved to see me ride by. Today they would ask their Mama why that old lady has a bicycle wheel sticking out of her butt.
·         Dancing. When I do that now parts of me don’t stop when the music does.
·         Wearing pretty shoes. Dr. Scholl’s fashion sense sucks.
·         Climbing a ladder. Just the thought of moving a ladder today requires a nap.
·         Jumping rope. Can you picture double chins and boobs slapping each other silly?
·         Going braless and wearing a tank top. To do that today the tank top would have to be knee length. A windy day could be very revealing.
·         Joining the neighbors in an impromptu game of baseball. I could still do that if the other players are my age and the bases have wheelchair ramps. Nine innings could take three weeks to complete because we might have to call the game every now and then for a funeral.
·         Being able to see a yo-yo on its way back up. WHACK!
·         Belly laughing without having to change my drawers.
·         Remembering if the person talking to me in the grocery store is a neighbor, someone I used to work or went to school with, or a cousin. Or even remembering why I am in the store in the first place!
·         Being able to go anywhere willy-nilly, without waiting for a laxative to work.
·         Sitting on the floor…on purpose.

There are so many more ‘wish I could still do’ items to be listed here. I just don’t remember them all. Tell me some of yours…and you should probably add if you are a neighbor, someone I used to work or went to school with, or a cousin.


  1. 1.Eating corn on the cob without having to reglue dentures sounds quite nice. 2. Or, even walking across the house and remembering why I'm doing it would be a real time saver. I wouldn't have to go back to point A and try to regroup my thoughts to figure it out.

    1. I just wish I could look down and see my feet without moving my stomach! Old age is just not being fair to me. Thank god for remote's for TV's,Fans" and lights..sure saves my old feet and back from having to get up!!jhp

  2. These are all hilarious, but the second one was my favorite by far!

  3. OMG, how do you come up with this stuff? It is just too funny for words..
